12 best vitamins for the youth of the skin of the face in food, drugs and cosmetics

We all know that vitamins are very useful. But as they need to the skin? Experts believe that without vitamins, with difficulties up-to-date epithelium, the skin becomes dry, rough, the face takes on a grey colour. The face is aging quickly, you do feel the lack of fluids and proteins, giving cover to the elasticity of the collagen and elastin. Presented In this article are the best vitamins for the skin of the face.


What are the vitamins are also necessary for the beauty

Each vitamin takes part in the biochemical reactions in the metabolism of some co-enzymes. Then the effect will be different. Vitamins for the beauty of the skin of the face are selected on the basis of your problem. How to act, you can see from the following tables.

The fat-soluble vitamins

The name Symptoms of deficiency Mechanism of action
A (retinol) The skin becomes dry, flakes, wrinkles develop. Reduced immunity of the skin, can appear to be abscesses. Is involved in protein metabolism, promotes the renewal of skin and immune cells. The best remedy for the skin, improves its condition and color.
E (tocopherol) Dry skin, thicken because of the growing layer of dead cells. Inhibits the toxic action of free radicals (antioxidant action), regulates the hormonal status background, supports immunity of the skin.
D (vi) The rapid aging. Regulates the reproduction (proliferation) and specialization (differentiation) of the cells. Maintains the elasticity of the muscles of the face.
K1 (phylloquinone) Redness and swelling, the appearance of age spots. It improves the circulation of the blood.

The water soluble vitamins

The name Symptoms of deficiency Mechanism of action
B1 (thiamine) The rapid aging, loss of firmness and elasticity. Regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, inhibits the destruction of collagen and elastin with carbohydrates.
B2 (riboflavin) Dry, lips chapped, in their corners appear to me. Is involved in the metabolism of the skin cells.
B3 (PP, niacin, nicotinic acid). Dark spots, dryness and flaking of the skin. Regulates the synthesis of hormones and enzymes. The vitamin to improve the complexion.
B5 (pantothenic acid) The premature aging. Activates the metabolism of cells, improves the complexion.
B6 (pyridoxine) Acne, seborrheic dermatitis. Regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and the formation of prostaglandins, improve blood circulation.
B7 (biotin) Acne, it reduces the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Normalizes the activity of sebaceous glands. Participates in the formation of collagen
B9 (folic acid) The premature aging. Activates the process of regeneration of the cells of the skin, removes irritation.
P (rutin) c (ascorbic acid) The dryness, rapid aging. Improve the blood circulation of the skin, inhibit the destruction of hyaluronic acid attracting the water. Antioxidants.

The body must constantly receiving vitamins. The deficiency of almost any of them can affect the degree of the entire body including the condition of the skin. What vitamins for the skin of the face requires different violations, you should consult with the beautician.

The fastest way to recharge – pills

Synthetic vitamin supplements can very quickly eliminate vitamin deficiencies. They are available in the mud of drugs and dietary supplements – food supplements in tablets, capsules, sachets with powders, solutions for oral administration and for injection in vials under various names.

Synthetic drugs, you can overdose. Therefore, long-term, uncontrolled can take. The most dangerous long-term use in the form of injection.

General rules of taking vitamins

When taking vitamin supplements it would be advisable to follow a few rules:

  1. If they take to fix, a kind of skin defect, complex, it is better to choose individually. Therefore, before you purchase medications you need to consult with the beautician. For the prior acquisition of a suitable established of vitamins and minerals.
  2. Do not take vitamin complexes, long-term and uncontrollable, sometimes this leads to overdoses and hypervitaminosis.
  3. Necessarily need to follow the manufacturer's recommendations to receive the medication. Wrong reception (before eating or after it) can undermine all the treatment substances simply will not be absorbed. General rule: the fat-soluble vitamins are accepted after or during meals, soluble in water half an hour before meals.
  4. Talk with your doctor, you can add pharmacy vitamins (the liquid content in the ampules or capsules) in cream (fat-soluble a, E, D, K) or simply apply on the face (soluble in water).
vitamins for skin types

All skin types – your approach

Each vitamin is involved in some biochemical reactions that lead to certain results. Therefore, to solve some of the problems require different vitamins funds.

Better before taking consult a dermatologist-cosmetologist. For different skin types need different vitamins.

For the dry skin of the face

The dryness can be associated with hereditary traits, lack of vitamins in the diet or with defects of care. In all these cases it is necessary to take vitamins a, E, c and group A:

  • retinol promotes hydration and restoration of skin cells, improves the complexion;
  • tocopherol restores the hormonal balance in the body, together with at protects cells against damage from free radicals,
  • b vitamins – the energy, provide energy for the metabolism.

That you need to do to become the healthy and youthful skin, he stopped to unplug:

  • retinol and tocopherol, it is possible to add in a day and night cream;
  • eat more butter, liver, egg yolks, carrot salad, dressed with olive oil;
  • synthetic preparations of vitamin can be taken, and gave me the complex of vitamins of group B.

For oily skin

Increased oiliness is the result of violations of metabolic processes and the secretion of a large amount of oil, changed the chemical composition. This often occurs on the background of hormonal disorders. Normalize these processes, vitamins a, E, c, B2, B6.

Eliminate violations help you:

  • the ingestion of the drug to me;
  • eat eggs, ricotta cheese, salad of carrots and beets, berries (especially strawberries, currants), nuts, sunflower seeds;
  • on face must be applied with a solution of vitamin B2 in vials and lemon juice, diluted with water 1 : 3 (alternate using each solution through the day); the solution is applied on clean face for 15 -20 minutes, then wash off with water.

For normal facial skin

In these cases, it is worth only periodically to maintain the condition of the skin. For this reason you can take vitamins and minerals inside of change 1 — 2 times a year.

the vitamins from the food

Get vitamins from food

If it is not expressed hypovitaminosis, to fill the lack of vitamins is possible with the help of a healthy diet. Know which vitamins are useful for the skin of the face, you can prevent premature aging, the appearance of acne and flaking. For the correction has been effective, it is worth to visit a dermatologist-beautician, and clarify what vitamins are essential for the skin of your face, but the substance is missing. Then to compose the menu, and constantly stick to it. It is not difficult, as well as nutrients are contained in many products:

  • And in the liver of animals, butter, egg yolks; beta-carotene (pro-vitamin a, converted to retinol in the intestine) is contained in plant foods: carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes, plums, sweet pepper, grapefruit, black currant, peach, apricot, melon, persimmon;
  • E – in vegetable oils, seeds, nuts;
  • B1 – whole wheat bread, brewers yeast, the original rice and oats, legumes, nuts, seeds;
  • B2 – lean meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, buckwheat, oats;
  • B3 – in nuts, sunflower seeds, white mushrooms, legumes, cereals (oats, flour, cereals), potatoes, cabbage, beef, chicken, liver, eggs, fish and red;
  • B5 – egg yolks, dairy products, fish, seafood, cereals, legumes;
  • B6 – liver, bran, egg yolks, shelled cereals, nuts, milk, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes;
  • B7 – egg yolks, liver, legumes, dried fruits, bread black;
  • B9 – in the liver, legumes, green garden, flour;
  • With – citrus fruits, black currants, all types of berries, conditaneus cabbage, rose hips;
  • R – on green tea, aronia mountain ash, cherries, raspberries, garlic, tomatoes, and peppers.

Cosmetics with vitamins to improve the skin of the face

The vitamins are included in almost all of the creams, gels, serums, etc. After the application of creams and masks are delivered into the cells of the human skin, activating the body's metabolic processes. But sometimes the vitamins have a therapeutic effect, greatly improving the condition of the skin. So, medicine called makeup, where are the retinoids – derivatives of retinol. Also available in cosmetics with vitamins c, B3, B5, etc. Here are some titles:

Cosmetics with retinoids

Cream retinoids, with the overwhelming development of acne action and restores skin to a youthful appearance. Eliminates age spots, leaves the skin clean, restore youth to the cause of stimulating the metabolism, the renewal of the cells and stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

The cream has a side effect: may cause irritation. Then apply must be strictly in accordance with the instructions.

Cosmetics with ascorbic acid

Cream with at in the active form, gave a regenerating effect. Also contains tocopherol and hyaluronic acid. Actively moisturizes and rejuvenates. Apply on clean skin once a day.

Cosmetics with niacinamide

Cosmetics with vitamin B3 (niacinamide) removes age spots, rosacea (a network of superficial blood vessels), acne, and the rest after him, scars, reduces the secretion of sebum, moisturizes and rejuvenates. Apply on clean skin once a day.

Cosmetics with pantothenic acid

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), promotes the regeneration of skin, restores its color, elasticity, firmness, eliminates small wrinkles. Gel slightly tightens the skin, eliminating the feeling of tightness, refreshes the color of the face. Before applying the gel need to warm slightly in your fingers.

vitamin mask

Vitamin mask

The form with the vitamins for the youth and beauty of the skin can be done at home using the products. Particularly useful for such products as ricotta cheese, cream, dairy products, eggs, etc. Before applying facial mask, skin is clean. The condition of the skin after the course of treatment at home will improve dramatically.

Vitamin mask for oily skin

Ingredients: 20 g of planed ricotta, one egg white (beaten), 10 drops of lemon juice and 1 ml solution of vitamin B6 ampoule. Pulp apply to the face (remain free only to the area around the eyes) for a quarter of an hour, then wash. The treatments are done 2 – 3 times a week for a month. The improvement will be evident after the first few sessions: the face gradually becomes clear, and beautiful.

Vitamin mask for dry skin

Ingredients: 20 g cooked and the milk, the oatmeal, add the egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and the contents of two capsules Aevita. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes on the face, leaving free areas around the eyes, after that, wash. Doing 2 sessions a week for 1.5 months. After Aevita the leather is soft, beautiful, young.

Vitamin mask for normal skin

Ingredients: a few strawberries (mashed with a fork), 5 g honey, 5 ml of cucumber juice. Mixture to impose on a towel and cover her face for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. Procedure performed two times a week for a month.

Vitamin mask for aging skin

Ingredients: 20 ml cream, 1 egg yolk, 5 g of honey and a little flour of rye. Bring the mixture until the consistency of thick cream, add 1 ml of tocopherol ampoules, 5 ml of extra virgin olive oil. Apply on the face, do not touch areas around the eyes for 20 minutes and then wash off. Procedures to carry out once every three days for 1.5 – 2 months. The improvement will be evident not before three weeks: the face is smooth, and disappear the appearance of small wrinkles.

Vitamin mask for the skin around the eyes

Ingredients: for 5 ml of glycerin add the contents of 2 vitamin E capsules, mix and apply on areas around the eyes for 20 minutes. Remove the excess with a cloth. After such a mask, disappear dark circles under the eyes.

The skin of the face has the need for supplements, especially if you are experiencing problems such as dryness, premature ageing, wrinkles, excessive oiliness and acne. Right after the visit of a dermatologist-beautician vitamins useful in the form of food, complex vitamins and minerals and cosmetic products that solves these problems.