Laser skin rejuvenation of the face: advice and tips

All women want to look young. When was the plastic surgery, many, also, do not hesitate to put themselves on operations. Currently, it appeared, fractional laser rejuvenation, which doesn't make you go under the knife of the surgeon. It is safe and effective. Many Hollywood stars have already used laser rejuvenation of the skin and are satisfied with, because it is good, which transfigures the face. The procedure is performed by using the grid laser, and inexpensive, and not necessarily a lot of money to afford such a transformation. In this article we will talk about a mechanism of action and the effects of laser rejuvenation, for She was not afraid.

What is the laser skin rejuvenation

Aging affects all the internal organs of the man and of the fabric, and while this process, unfortunately, can not be stopped. In addition, the tissue of the face acts as not only the environment, but also facial expressions, and

also joint and chewing functions. In this regard, the tissue of the face are very vulnerable.

If the wrinkles are also visible in the static position of the face, is the main sign of aging of the skin. Also deform the soft tissues, appear to be the vascular network, tumors and age spots, changes the configuration of the face and neck.

With age collagenic frame of the skin is weakened, then the tissues are lowered, the facial features change, sometimes unrecognizable. From this point of view, the wrinkles - not the most frightening "age" issue. Young people in skin enough collagen in the skin, then the tissues of the face and body can withstand the drop-down of the skin. But with time, the collagen fibers produced bad, because of holes in the skin, appear to be "bryli" under the cheeks, the bags under the eyes, the oval face becomes blurred, the corners of the eyes and the lips move downward, you can see the double chin, etc. Only the surgeon can help you get rid of the omissions of the chin, cheeks and eyelids. Best to think of this problem in advance, and use the laser rejuvenation of the skin, until it was too late.

One of the most effective ways to combat age is a facelift (lifting). Today a lot of methods to do a facelift without the intervention of the surgeon, but most of them are not safe or is not as effective as laser skin rejuvenation. When the client wants to get a fast result, is aimed at a clinic for the procedure for rejuvenation of the skin, and in the end turns out very negatively, which promotes premature aging. To get rid of flabby skin there are technologies that are not intrusive. Each method has advantages and disadvantages, but factional-facial rejuvenation - the most suitable solution for the majority of customers, because it brings the desired result without surgery.

Deep chemical peeling can be considered to be not quite up to date, methods of rejuvenation, even if you recently have been very popular. The laser technology is a safe and modern. There is no risk of entry of infection for the patient, and the master can precisely control the depth of exposure of the laser and its uniformity. This is very important for the dignity.

We try to understand how it works, the radiation of the laser on the human skin. The radiation affects the biological tissues. Chromophores absorb light in a certain wavelength range. Skin structure the 90% consists of water. For the water for the range of wavelengths in the infrared range, for hemoglobin, green for the hair and melanin in the skin - red. Chromophores absorb radiation of the laser, so that the light energy is converted into heat in that phase, which contains this substance.

It is worth to remember the radio frequency, which has previously been used for the rejuvenation of the skin. He has not brought the expected result and, moreover, was dangerous. Appeared the risk of atrophy of the subcutaneous fat and many other problems. Laser skin rejuvenation –ideal for patients, its energy penetrates into the dermis.

What is the effect of laser skin rejuvenation

If he is afraid of something and does not find the forces to the procedure factional face-lift, read reviews of the patients that have already passed. You will see admiration, joy as a result. Maybe this will help You to register in the master. The procedure is painless, there will be a long time, you do not need a lengthy rehabilitation and the intervention of the surgeon. Listed below are the effects of laser skin:

  • How to get rid of scars, varicose veins, stretch marks and pigmentation on the face;
  • Shrinking of the pores;
  • The skin becomes more elastic and toned. This is possible thanks to the fact that in the course of procedures in the skin cells are synthesized, the collagen and elastin under the influence of the laser radiation;
  • Reduce the appearance of wrinkles;
  • Removal of "crow's feet";
  • Improvement of the color of the face;
  • The aspect more clear of the outline of the face.

A week after the live session it will be already evident. But his need to consolidate, then you'll need a series of procedures. Consult a master of the laser skin about how often you should visit the clinic.

If You don't like his reflection in the mirror, take the right decision, turning to the master laser for the rejuvenation of the face. Read him again about this procedure and inquire about contraindications. You will not regret of having used the service, who has travelled back in time to Your skin.

Laser facial rejuvenation: before and after picture


What is the laser skin rejuvenation of the face

Depending on how deep it penetrates the laser light into Your skin, it changes the mechanism of action. The customer can choose the most suitable for a method of laser rejuvenation of the face.

Ablyative laser rejuvenation

With the laser removes a lot of micro-areas of the skin. Those areas, which were damaged during the healing process, pulled together. Already after the first session You will notice a surprising result.

Non-ablative laser rejuvenation

When the micro-damaged areas, in skin and updated the collagen and elastin. The laser beam penetrates deep into the dermis of the patient, then the outer layers do not suffer, the update of the collagen occurs in the deep layers. The process takes longer than when Ablyative laser rejuvenation.

The best option – a combination of different types of laser skin, because in this case, the cells are updated on the surface of the skin, and in the deep layers. But, however, should consult with the teacher.

What are the types of laser skin

There are different types of laser peeling.

1) treatment of the Surface. This method is designed for the treatment of the deformed upper layer of the skin, i.e. the epidermis.

So exfoliation allows you to remove stains and make uneven skin smooth.

Superficial peel suitable for the lip area, the neck, the area of the neck and around the eyes, i.e. he can trust the most sensitive areas.

These procedures relate to the majority of the species factional facial rejuvenation and all types of laser resurfacing of the skin.

Keep in mind that after the treatment of the surface of the peeling, complete recovery of the skin will only come after a week or two, because these procedures damage the skin.

2) in the Middle. This kind of peeling to remove dead cells in the basal (bottom) layer of the epidermis.

Middle peeling helps to smooth out the wrinkles of varying depth, and also keloid scars and stretch marks. Also, get rid of a patient to be treated, shallow scars, which are the result of acne, warts, and smooths the color of the face, eliminating the dark spots. Via medium peeling acts on the problem areas on the neck, face, neck, hands.

The skin is irradiated with the most common cause of mesh-rays different types of lasers, including the magnet, erbium, and CO2 laser. This method is called factional. Each type of laser has its advantages and disadvantages. They are due to the different wavelength, depth of penetration and the mode of implementation of the procedure. There is no laser that would be vastly superior to the other.

Completely different to the technique of peeling is a laser, dermabrasion. It's different, because in addition to the beams of the laser beams, the skin during the session, you get a lot of extra energy, which favors the formation of micro-explosions, the result is what fabric to evaporate due to exposure of the laser. In this case, the laser resurfacing is done with the aid of CO2 and эрбиевого of the laser.

3) Deep. The deep peeling refers to laser facial rejuvenation, done with the aid of a device called the Palomar, and RF-rejuvenation. These methods are considered to be the most effective. You can say that it is a facelift without surgery.

The machine Palomar promotes the formation of very dense grid laser, sending on the skin-rays. It consists of several nozzles, element cooling and microprocessor control.

When RF skin rejuvenation, of which the above, the laser beams penetrate deep into the epidermis. When the deeper layers effects of radio frequency energy. Consequently, the problem areas of the face and body a warm spot.

And factional RF machine facial rejuvenation, and laser rejuvenation with the aid of the machine Palomar allow you to make bundles of collagen thicker and form their frame of support for the skin. In addition, during the process of activation of processes of rejuvenation in all of those areas in which the master acts the laser.

Because both procedures are safe and eliminate the risk of getting the patient from injury, they can do and for the skin around the eyes, not only for the neck and hands.

Hopefully, You have made sure that the facial rejuvenation is possible without the intervention of plastic surgery. Deep laser peeling smooths wrinkles, evens out the color of the face and makes the skin younger.

The advantage of factional RF facial rejuvenation and laser rejuvenation with the aid of the machine Palomar lies in the fact that the effect of the procedures improved within six months after the passage of the course.

If a deep laser peeling is carried out with CO2 laser, then the teacher must be highly qualified, otherwise you can leave deep scars on the skin. After all, this machine use plastic surgeons as a scalpel.

Time of analgesia. The surface of the skin using local anesthesia. For a deep peeling treatment need of general anesthesia.

Which is exactly the kind of peeling needs You, depends on the complexity of the cosmetic defect. Then, make sure to consult an expert.

Laser rejuvenation: contraindications and indications

If You think, if You have factional laser skin rejuvenation, to review with the witness, in which such a procedure is recommended by the experts for a good result:

  • Stretch marks, capillaries, and scars;
  • Pores;
  • Acne;
  • Pigmentation;
  • The loose skin;
  • Wrinkles, crow's-feet, in the area of the eyes.

If the data points You have met what is peculiar to Your skin, so make sure to follow a course of factional rejuvenation of the face, and You forget your problems.


Before enrolling in a clinic for the laser procedure factional skin rejuvenation, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. If You read in the Internet, negative reviews about this method of rejuvenation, then it's not worth getting angry and abandoning everything. Probably the authors of these reviews simply have not considered the presence of contraindications:

  • Inflammatory processes in the treatment area;
  • Infections of the skin;
  • The psoriasis;
  • Allergy;
  • Malignant tumors in the area of impact of the laser;
  • Epilepsy.

Reading a lot more of contraindications, and then, if You don't have none of this, and it's not worth it to abandon this is really wonderful procedure.

How does the procedure of laser skin

The procedure requires a special laser that qualitatively maintains the problematic areas of the skin of the patient. Can be used on the skin coat of any state and thickness.

Laser beams (a fraction) promote evaporation of small areas of the skin, our eye can't see. Fabric warm, and the old collagen and elastin are destroyed. For some time You will not see the result, the condition of the skin does not change, because externally the skin will not be the object of destruction. However, the coverage of the skin begins to recover, it will create new cells. The result is a skin partly up to date, and his condition improves.

The laser procedure for facial rejuvenation is performed in a few steps:

  1. First the master prepares the cover of the skin of the customer for the next procedure. For this, the texture of the skin, in order to implement the impact, is cancelled, on it is applied a special cream, which helps reduce the sensation of pain.
  2. Specialist carefully examines the skin and inserts the relevant data into factional laser.
  3. With the help of laser to evaporate the skin in a specific area. This lasts for about half an hour.
  4. This procedure comes to an end. The leather is treated special ointment.

Don't expect to notice the effect immediately after the exit from the office guided laser rejuvenation. In the first place, the redness of the skin, perhaps, will be a small swelling. Do not be alarmed, it is lawful. Skin completely restored after three days, and the effect will be evident after 10 days.

To fix the result, you need to undergo sessions, especially if You are experiencing significant problems with skin. factional laser rejuvenation of the face and the skin has cumulative properties.