How to take care of facial skin for women after 50 years

The right care for your skin – storage of preserve his youth. Exactly 50 years, the surrounding begin to perceive a woman as a woman, or vice versa, as the grandmother. How to take care of mature skin using home remedies — we share in our article.

Where are the wrinkles?

skin care after 50

Wrinkles on a woman's face may appear at different ages. 25 – due to bad habits, 35 – because of a slowdown of metabolic processes in the body, and in the 50 – wrinkles are the result of the menopause:

  • after 45 years the level of estrogen in a woman's body begins to decrease;
  • decreases in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, the layer of fibers;
  • elastin and collagen is produced every day less and less;
  • the skin begins to sag and wrinkles;
  • silhouette of a person changes – go down the cheeks, the outer edges of the eyebrows, appear in the creases above the upper lip, wrinkles around the eyes become more deep.

It follows from the foregoing that this process is irreversible, but slow its still possible, with due attention to the condition of the skin after 40-50 years.

Characteristics of nursing

Particular attention should be addressed to the selection of health care providers.

  • The cleaning can be carried out only with funds and soft base of natural oils: almonds, walnuts, etc
  • Tonic funds must not contain alcohol.
  • Creams must match your age, as well as a normal moisturizing cream will be useless.
  • Do not forget about skin care neck and décolleté, as well as it can give the true age, even if the point of the skin of the face.
  • The cream for the skin of the face must be such components as vitamin c, K, hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10, fatty acid.
  • Hydrating mask should be applied at least once a week. This can be from just a blend and trucks funds.

The popular recipes for the treatment

The most effective in skin care are considered to be a form-based natural products:

  1. Mask of banana. Half a ripe banana with a fork, add a tablespoon of cream. Apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes.
  2. Honey-milk mask. A tablespoon of yogurt (without whey) mix it with a tablespoon of honey. If the mask is too liquid, you can add starch or flour.
  3. Apricot mask. The pulp of a very ripe apricot mash with a fork, add half a teaspoon of grape seed oil and rice flour. Withstand the mask for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Mask of cucumber. Cucumber grate, mix with a raw egg yolk. Apply on the face and the skin around the eyes and cover with slices of fresh cucumber.
  5. Mask with aloe juice. The crumb of rye bread to stretch into small crumbs, adding the juice of aloe vera, for a dense cereal, and a couple drops of sea buckthorn oil. Buy ready-made fruit juice can in the pharmacy, but it is better to cook it yourself. For this it is necessary to have a small bush of aloe in a pot. For the preparation of the juice of one or two medium leaves the skin and just mash them with a fork.
  6. Jelly mask. The flesh of half a very ripe peach with the fork, eliminating the pre-peel. Add a teaspoon of gelatine, a few drops of peach oil. The resulting mixture apply on the face and let it solidify.

Particular care requires delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes. The components of masks for the skin of the eyelids must be fresh and natural:

  • the mask of new potatoes. Small raw potato grate, add a teaspoon of cream.
  • herbal mask. A teaspoon of chamomile, sage and nettle pour boiling water and leave to rest for five minutes. After cooling, moisten in the infusion cotton swabs and apply on the skin of the eyelids;
  • oil mask. Half of a teaspoon of castor oil add three drops of cinnamon essential oil, a solution of vitamin a and E. Apply on the skin of the eyelids with a cotton swab.

In addition to masks, which are useful for the treatment of the skin of the face will be, and toning lotions and lotions:

face care
  • the green tea. Strong brew of green tea, add a couple of peppermint leaves. Leave to cool, moisten the welding of a cotton ball and clean the face of the massage lines;
  • juice of parsley. Many women suffer not only from the appearance of wrinkles, but also from a lot of age spots. One of the most effective folk remedies of struggle with pigmentation – juice of parsley. To prepare for the digitech, a bunch of parsley fresh, you should grind in a blender or food processor and carefully squeeze the juice through several layers of gauze. Dilute the juice in half with lukewarm water and wipe your face with a cotton ball;
  • the lemon. Lighten dark spots and improve skin tone will help you lemon kefir pedal. A teaspoon of lemon juice mixed with a tablespoon of yogurt. In the mixture to soak a piece of gauze or fabric basis for the mask and apply on the face.

Care for mature skin the person who requires the utmost regularity and completeness. The right funds regular deal with face masks, proper nutrition, walks in the open air, and enough sleep – refundable deposit of youth and beauty, even mature skin.