How to take care of facial skin after 30 years

At a young age, it seems that the skin elastic, soft and luminous. And for this, you will not need to make any effort. But often, in order to obtain a "natural" colour, half-modern age (sometimes very young) women have to apply on the skin, as a minimum, four of the funds (strange): primer (base level), foundation, powder and concealer (concealer). This has happened to you, it is necessary to ensure the proper care of facial skin after 30 years (or even before).

Depends on what the condition of the skin

skin care after 30

Start taking care of yourself, preferably not with 50 years, and when it reaches the period of adolescence, do not postpone it. Then comes the old age, along with her menopause, the wounds, the grandchildren and not the youth and beauty. It is not necessary to see here the call to drop everything and run to a plastic surgeon or esthetician (though sometimes it does not hurt). It is never too late.

Sure, my mother kept daily treatment and also explained what to do and how. But for some reason, mom lesson has gone nowhere. And just looking at the reflection in the mirror and see the first wrinkles, we are reminded of his lessons. The thought of this post is simple: before you start treatment, the more funds and saves you time in the future.

To begin with we analyze the causes of aging. In fact, not surprisingly, says that to achieve victory know thy enemy. For this the factors that influence the condition of the skin to examine more carefully and choose the method of dealing with each. In the courtyard of a century of high technology and science is moving forward by leaps and bounds, but a single tool that slows the aging of the epithelial cells nobody invented. And the instrument completely stops this process, it remains the dream of all women.

Withering of the skin, especially on the face, contribute the following reasons:

  • the genetic heritage;
  • time;
  • the natural conditions;
  • bad habits (lack of sleep, smoking, alcohol);
  • power supply;
  • the external action (cuts, blows);
  • the state of health.

Leaving aside the genetic component (prejudice now no one is able to) consider the factors that the man is not able to modify or reduce to a minimum their negative impact, and ways of adjustment.

The time

Starting from 30 years begins discoloration of the skin. This manifests itself in a reduction of turgor (elasticity), without any game (loss of elasticity), the appearance of lines of expression and age wrinkles. These processes appear because of age the loss of hyaluronic acid.

To slow down the race of time, without magic, none of us has, of course, impossible. But with special products for anti-aging (peptide lotions, serum with hyaluronic acid, worthy to appear at any age in our hands. And not always to this require a massive amount of tools and extreme measures of plastic. Just leave it for later.

The natural conditions

Sun, wind, frost – can be dosed in time, or change their place of residence. This deny, it does not work. Then, knowing the impact, it remains to make any changes:

  • the rays of the sun evaporates the moisture and ruin the ultraviolet light, and then apply the moisturizer with SPF filter in the summer will help you avoid the consequences;
  • the wind dampens the upper layers and it dries, can help exfoliate and nourishing cream;
  • the frost, its effect is ambiguous, positive is intertwined with the negative, to neutralize the negativity in the winter, needs nutrients (in bold) of cream.

Bad habits

This factor is in the hands of every woman. Leave the cigarettes, the alcohol, the time to go to sleep, you are capable of anything. Another thing that many do not want to, or in the struggle with habits wins banal laziness. Because the possibilities are always there, working in shifts days of sleep should be the full title, for not less than 7 hours. During this time, the body has no time to recover. And given that the regeneration after 30-35 slows need all 8.


The man is what he eats. The correct quote, with a small amendment – must take into account the work of the GASTROINTESTINAL tract. The power supply must be complete. The consumption of large quantities of fruit and vegetables, the presence in the diet of cereals and soups, will help the proper metabolism, the stable operation of the digestive system. That results in an improvement of the shape and appearance.

The external action

Regular injury (when active, activity, wrestling, boxing), the use of annoying funds, finding a room with an aggressive environment – beauty just doesn't add. Scars and adhesions adorn only men. Then these factors will need to deny.

The state of health

All disease, stress, infections and then are reflected on the face. They manifest themselves in the form of unpleasant rashes, redness, dark circles, puffiness and unhealthy color (jaundice, grey, earth). To avoid these problems will help the ordinary prevention of the health.

It includes yearly by means of clinical examination, vaccinations, common infections, and a healthy lifestyle.

Stress helps a sedative.

Some general tips

face masks

Summing up: to obtain an effect of rejuvenation, or to preserve the youthfulness of the face of an instrument will not be sufficient. You will need a complex of measures and cosmetic products. Will be sent to:

  • cleaning (including the removal of dead cells), the recovery of vitality (tonic);
  • the hydration and the nutrition.

The first step is to remove all of the external environment. The day on the skin it deposits a huge amount of dust particles, harmful impurities (from car exhaust), chemical reagents, which are abundant, are present in the air of large cities. For the night it accumulates the sweat and the products of selection (fat).

The product allocation mix with then, block the pores, forming inflammatory foci, redness, blackheads.

Prior to foam, water to clean the face, then (not more than 3 times a week) we use a slight peeling, exfoliating dead cells. We treat tonic, and apply the corresponding (day or night) cream on the face. The area around the eyes and lips is also applied the cream, but designed for these purposes.

The second aims to replenish the nutrients necessary for the regeneration of the skin. Moisturizing light cream with particles of high moisture retention, is necessary in summer periods, when high temperature increases the loss of water. The food, as a consequence, a greasy cream, it is necessary in the winter, when the body needs to provide heat.

After cleaning, after 30 years, it added a further step – the regeneration of the cells of the epidermis, hyaluronic acid. For this before applying the cream, it is possible to use peptide cocktail, medicinal products serum.

Beyond daily maintenance, once every two-three days, it should make deepest care – masks, instruments for the stimulation of metabolic processes, oils, extracts.

Ideally, every woman except for cosmetic and decorative in the bathroom all the time must be:

  • day and night cream;
  • the tool for the care of the skin around the eyes and lips (usually combined);
  • detergent foam or bought;
  • the tool for easy peeling;
  • tonic;
  • serum with hyaluronic acid

The main rule to preserve the beauty and health of your skin – care needs to be regular and daily. Highlight 15 minutes in the morning and 10 in the evening is not as difficult as some might think. And the viewing of television programs once every two to three days can be combined with the application of masks.

Nursing home

The most popular is the home care. As well as does not require additional costs for the payment of the work of the beautician. In the role of the same is present in the same patient.

There are misconceptions that only beauty treatment are able to maintain the youth and health of the skin. Properly applied remedies sometimes much more effective than the factory. After all, they are animated ingredients.

Mask from fruit, vegetables and berries contain a higher amount of vitamins, that from manufacturer to manufacturer. And so their effect will be higher. The life-giving power of honey (it is possible to see below the video) and propolis also desirable to apply in raw form, not treated.

Many masks recipes from the producers of the basic popular recipes. After all, it is no wonder the large manufacturers each year there are contests for the best recipes.

At home you can use the berries in its purest form, which saves an enormous amount of time. Simple tools become a powerful weapon against the aging of the skin. Mineral water in the form of ice – tones and invigorates not worse than the lotions. Egg white for its nutritional properties that can compete, if not that, with the expulsion of the placenta. Its ability to tighten the pores and smooth the small wrinkles has been scientifically proven.

In the hands of a beautician

A round beautician replaces a week of home care. But on the condition that a specialist of high qualification, and the excursion will not be acting alone. Find a master of his craft is quite difficult. Beauty salons becomes every year more and more.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the reviews that leave the visitors in a book of complaints and suggestions (if any), or find it online. You can ask around from friends, girls, who already enjoys similar services. You also need to pay attention to the specialization of the wizard.

The second drawback (after research), is quite high, the price of the service. But this problem was resolved so easy. During the first visit the visitor always receives the recommendations beautician for the care, the choice of a particular more effective from the firm.

At this time highlighted only beauty treatment (chemical peels, masks, shots, beauty, etc.). Then negotiate (beauticians people too) only for their performance. The master also tell me what type of mask and where is the best place to do it. The rest of the measures needed to spend alone.

You can also agreement for the development of a program for a week, in which to include, and home and beauty care.

Subtleties the age of nursing

bad habits

In order not to damage weakened the skin of all women, beyond 30 years is necessary to follow some rules and secrets:

  1. Apply the cream should be light hammer movement, avoiding friction, which stretches and damages the skin;
  2. Procedure made not just with the face, but also with the area of the neck and décolleté, they do not require less maintenance;
  3. Consider the type of skin and the fundraising, only suitable for you, paying attention to the age. Because they take care of dry or a combination skin 25 years old and a woman of needs is not so, how to care for oily skin after 30 years;
  4. Night cream is to apply preferably in about an hour before going to bed;
  5. Lipids, antioxidants, hyaluronic complex, it is best to apply after the domestic use of the cream;
  6. Before going to bed not to drink plenty of fluids, there can be swelling;
  7. A massage everyday with the tip of the fingers, as and contrast treatments able, without increasing the elasticity of the collagen and raise the tone of the skin.

Ideally the skin care after 30 years it must combine as the abode of the procedure, and home-made. Because without the daily hydration and purification will be incomplete. Each has advantages and disadvantages. I hope your skin youth, health and radiance.